Slide Sammy Boehlke Missing In Crator Lake or search by national park below a Slide Morgan Elias Heimer Vanished In Grand Canyon National Park or search by national park below a Slide Dr. James “Jim” McGrogan Never Seen Alive Again or search by national park below a Slide Dennis Martin Vanished Camping or search by national park below a

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It's a huge task to try and document people who have gone missing. We want to build a community to help us with this task. We're interested in cases where people have vanished suddenly or mysteriously. It's free to add listings to or you can help with our website fees by purchasing a paid plan.

Strange Occurrences

We're gathering people's experiences of a specific type of phenomenon for our Vanished Blog. We're interested in situations where people have been in the wilderness and life appears to stop. There will be no sounds from nature. Just silence. After a period of time, the environment may go back to normal. Has this happened to you? Please tell us.

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It's a mission to keep our information up-to-date and sometimes we don't get it completely right. If you have noticed an error or mistake you can correct this for us. On any listing, you can click the claim button which is located to the right of every listing. Once approved you can then edit the information in the listing.

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